Make Money Online

Make money online, make money at home, make money fast - doesn't everybody want to do this nowadays? I run several websites, so I'm always on the lookout for great ways to make money online. Let's share!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Getting Serious About Making Money Online

Let's Get Organized

Thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands, of people dream about making a living online. For some people, this means online trading. For others, it may mean selling products or services through websites. Of course, there are many other ways to make money online, but are they all worth your time and effort and will they suit your personality?

Whatever your preferences, making money online takes discipline and planning. If you're working from home, it's easy to get side-tracked or lose focus, so here are some guidelines to follow:

1) Create The Right Working Environment

In a conventional office, the workplace environment is designed to be conducive for work, with designated spaces, desks and chairs for each worker, ergonomically designed furniture, sufficient lighting, comfortable temperature setting, and respect for each person's working space.

The situation at home rarely fulfills the same functions, and there are often all kinds of distractions from family members, neighbours, traders and domestic services providers. A well-planned home office goes a long way in helping productivity, so make this your first priority.

2) Establish A Work Schedule

This is vital. Without it, things can get messy and your health will suffer. Schedule time for work, meals, rest, family and sleep. Deliberately create opportunities to take a stretch and other breaks, as you need to rest your eyes, mind and let your blood circulate. Leave your workspace for just work. Avoid doing things like eating meals at your desk. That's not healthy for you or your family life.

Schedules remind you when to work and when to take rejuvenating breaks, Take them seriously.

3) Set Goals and Targets

Success requires goal-setting. Long-term targets are good, but to achieve them you need to have smaller, bite-sized targets. Draw up a list at the start of each day. As you complete each task, cross it off your list. When you are satisfied with the progress you have made for the day, then reward yourself with something you enjoy doing, preferably something that has nothing to do with sitting in front of the computer.

4) Dealing With Family Distractions

When you work from home, people tend to think that you're either unemployed or have a lot of time on your hands. So, naturally, you're the person to call when there's an errand to run or something needs fixing. If you can organise your work around this, that's fine, but if things start to get out of hand and family 'duties' start encroaching into your work time and goals, you need to educate your family members.

Emphasise that you actually work from home and you need your own space and time. Interruptions will break your work flow, so you will not be able to entertain them unless they are really critical. If need be, get a "Do Not Disturb" sign to hang outside your work area when you are working. When people realise that your work is real and you are committed to it, they'll usually give you the respect you need.

5) Discipline

It's easy to slacken at home and maybe catch 40 winks and watch some TV. There's no disapproving boss around, or gossipy colleagues.

But you're the boss! You answer to yourself. If you're going to succed at making money online, it takes discipline. To do less than if you were an employee would be short-changng yourself. Investing in yourself and your own business is the best investmet you'll ever make.

So if you want to make a real living on the internet, you'll have to get serious!


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