Make Money Online

Make money online, make money at home, make money fast - doesn't everybody want to do this nowadays? I run several websites, so I'm always on the lookout for great ways to make money online. Let's share!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Make Money Online Responsibly

Make Money Online Responsibly

People who make money, whether online or offline, irresponsibly really get my blood boiling. I had a shock today when I discovered that the real estate agent handling the sale of a residence which I purchased almost two momths ago did not submit the legal documents to the relevant authorities as he had claimed he did. When he did finally submit the option to purchase form it was at the eleventh hour, just hours before the option would have expired. This jerk has almost caused me to lose my new home. Because of him, I will now take ownership of the property two months late. I'm particularly mad at this agent because he's been lying to me all along, assuring me that everything was in order when it wasn't.

Don't you just hate irresponsible and dishonest vendors? I sure do. I break my back trying to serve my clients well, so I think that vendors who cheat and lie should be burnt at the stake. But have you noticed how many con-artists there are everywhere, many of them in internet marketing, trying to make money online? It makes me sick. For every professional internet marketer, there must be a thousand internet marketers who are unprofessional, and even dishonest. Let's not even start with the Nigerian scams. They're actually so bad, they're funny!

Build up a good reputation for having integrity and providing good service, and your business will grow. When you short-change your customers, you short-change yourself. It's much better to under-promise and over-deliver than to over-sell and under-deliver, or even not deliver at all. Think about this when you work on ways to make money online. Think about the long-term. Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you.


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