Make Money Online

Make money online, make money at home, make money fast - doesn't everybody want to do this nowadays? I run several websites, so I'm always on the lookout for great ways to make money online. Let's share!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Online Trading Nightmare

Online Trading Nightmare

Making money online can be a harrowing experience. Were you caught when the stock market plunged last week? Many people were wiped out. Actually, the warning signs were there for a long time. The stock market has been red-hot; even markets worldwide have been jumping. Asia has been sizzling. Think of the Shanghai bourse in China. Well, all that came to a screeching halt last week.

Red ink ran for days, and it's not quite over yet. One thing I've learned in years of tradng online, you need to know when to cut your losses. This requires discipline. If you don't have this, as well as spare cash, don't think of making money online this way. You'll get burned.


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