Make Money Online

Make money online, make money at home, make money fast - doesn't everybody want to do this nowadays? I run several websites, so I'm always on the lookout for great ways to make money online. Let's share!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Start to Make Money Online

Start to Make Money Online

In the past few months, I've been trying to teach my elder brother how to make money online. He lost his job almost a year ago, and struggled to support his wife and three children while trying to make the mortgage and car payments. All his life, he had been employed and was desperate to get another job.

I spent many valuable days with my brother, introducing him to various ways to make money online. What an uphill task! He was totally unfamiliar with the internet and its wealth of opportunities. To him, blogs were just for kids. But he said he would try to learn more about the internet, and perhaps even do a course on internet marketing.

Well, a couple of months ago, my brother got a job. It was nothing fancy, but it offered a salary. Now he's working harder than he's ever worked before, with many late nights. His employer makes unreasonable demands and there's no job security. So, has he started doing anything about making money online? Sadly, the answer is "no". I think he was just too intimidated. I'm afraid that it won't be long before he starts panicking about having no income again.

I always give the same advice to everyone who has bills to pay: start to make money online while you still have a job! Don't start to have an open mind only when you're desperate. Have YOU started to make money online, or at least tried to learn? If not, don't delay any longer and don't be afraid. Just start! Don't ever be helpless.